Sponsorship Opportunities

There are many rewarding sponsorship opportunities available.  You can learn about some of them below. In addition, at our Smithtown, NY campus, we also have numerous capital naming opportunities ranging from $10,000 - $10 million.  Naming opportunities involve permanent recognition and signage for specific areas of giving, and locations on campus vary.  Please let our Development staff know if you are interested in learning more about capital or other project-specific giving opportunities.   

Contact Dawn Dioguardo at (631) 930-9007 or Dawn.Dioguardo@VetDogs.org.

$1,500 (8x8) or $1,000 (4x8) Commemorative Brick:
Commemorate an individual, assistance dog, pet, organization or business entity with an 8x8 or 4x8 brick. A brick will be engraved and placed at the Foundation’s campus on our walk of honor.  Bricks for assistance dogs will be placed on the National Administrative Center walkway. You are invited for a tour of our campus and to view your brick.  If you are unable to visit us we will send you a photo of your special brick. 
$2,500 Hospitality Sponsor:

Our hospitality is one of the reasons our program is so successful. Delicious meals in a community setting provide a relaxed atmosphere and an opportunity for our students to bond. Our full-time chef accommodates all dietary needs, and our students are made to feel like they are at their home away from home. We will recognize our hospitality sponsor with:

  • Signage recognition during the two-week class residency
  • Digital photo sent via email
  • Acknowledgement in the graduation program
  • Invitation to the class graduation celebration
$5,000 We Salute Those Who Serve: 

Honor or memorialize the accomplishments, experiences and stories of a veteran, service member, first-responder, working dog or team by showing the world that “we stand by them” in unity on and off the front-lines.  Share a photograph, name, title and rank of someone you would like to recognize for service to our country.  As a sponsor you will receive:

  • A social media post including photo, title and rank and a short statement (two sentences) on why you are honoring/memorializing them
  • Tribute included in the “We Salute Those Who Serve” section of our website for one year
  • Recognition on our America’s VetDogs Tribute Wall located at the National Administration Building in the student residence gathering area
  • Listing in our monthly e-newsletter
  • Personal thank you from one of our veteran graduates
$6,000 Name a Puppy Sponsor:

The opportunity to give a puppy their name for life! This sponsorship is one of our most popular. Your gift helps provide our puppies with their identity and is a great way to honor or remember a loved one. You will receive photos and progress reports throughout the first year of the dog's life. As a puppy sponsor you will receive:

  • Opportunity to name a puppy
  • Recognition in the graduation program
  • Recognition in the annual report
  • Invitation to the class graduation celebration (if dog is matched with a student and graduates on campus)
  • Opportunity to meet the student matched with your sponsored puppy
  • Tour of GDF/AVD Campus
  • Puppy updates are as follows:
    - 2-months (certificate and photo); 6-months (letter update on progress); 10-months (letter update on progress; In for Formal Training (photo and update); Graduation (letter and photo of team, upon approval of graduate)

Learn more

$8,500 Class Sponsor:

Change the life of a person with a visual impairment or veteran with disabilities by becoming a class sponsor. All of our services are free of charge to our students and a class sponsorship makes this possible. In recognition of your generosity you will receive:

  • Signage recognition during the two-week class
  • Acknowledgement in the graduation program
  • Class photo
  • Invitation to the class graduation celebration
  • Recognition in the America's VetDogs or Guide Dog Foundation annual report as a major donor.
$10,000 Kennel Run Sponsor:

Kennels provide a safe and comfortable environment for our puppies and dogs while they are in for formal training, evaluation, or other activities. In recognition of your kennel run sponsorship you will receive:

  • A personalized plaque that will hang on the front gate of a kennel run in our training center in perpetuity
  • Invitation to our campus for a VIP tour and unveiling ceremony 
  • Recognition in the America’s VetDogs annual report as a major donor
  • Recognition on our Virtual Donor Wall for one year
$15,000 Lifetime Graduate Sponsor:

The Guide Dog Foundation and America’s VetDogs are proud of our graduate teams. We provide a lifetime of aftercare for our students and their assistance dogs. After the team returns home, our staff follows up with each graduate team to ensure they are working well together. If follow-up training is requested, one of our field service representatives will work with the grad to provide personalized attention in their home environment as they adjust to their daily routine. As with our on-campus training staff, our field reps are committed to providing quality follow-up services to our graduates for the entire working life of the guide or service dog team. We will recognize your lifetime graduate sponsorship with:

  • Recognition in the America’s VetDogs annual report as a major donor
  • Recognition on our Virtual Donor Wall for one year
  • Invitation to campus for a VIP tour
$25,000 Fleet Sponsor:

The Guide Dog Foundation and America’s VetDogs rely heavily on our vehicles to transport students, dogs, and staff to various locations for training and travel. Fleet sponsors will receive:

  • Logo recognition on one vehicle for the lifetime of its service
  • Invitation to our campus for a VIP tour 
  • Recognition in the America’s VetDogs annual report as a major donor
  • Recognition on our Virtual Donor Wall for one year
$50,000 Team Sponsor:

Each year, the Guide Dog Foundation and America’s VetDogs place more than 150 guide or service dog and student teams. From breeding to socializing and training to placement, it takes 18 months or more to train an assistance dog and place them with their handler – but only minutes, hours, and days to start forming a transformational bond based on trust and love. Help support the journey it takes to open someone’s world so they may live without boundaries. As a team sponsor you will be recognized with:

  • Social media post for the America’s VetDogs
  • Recognition in the America’s VetDogs monthly e-newsletter
  • Recognition on our Virtual Donor Wall for one year
  • Recognition in the America’s VetDogs annual report as a major donor
  • Biography and photo of the team you sponsored
  • Invitation to campus for a VIP tour
$125,000 Freedom Sponsor 

At the Guide Dog Foundation and America’s VetDogs our missions are to improve the quality of life for people who are blind, have low vision, or have other special needs and to help those who have served our country honorably live with dignity and independence.  Each year we host 17 or more two-week classes with 5-12 people per class.  Our classes allow our students to explore life with an assistance dog in everyday settings such as using public transportation, maneuvering around a city, visiting an airport and shopping at a local mall.  Your gift allows us to provide a safe and comfortable environment for each class without any cost to our students. As a Freedom Sponsor you will receive:

  • A bound yearbook of pictures of each class for one year
  • VIP campus tour and lunch with our students during the class of your choice and with the President and CEO
  • An article in the VetDogs Sentinel or Guide Dog Foundation Guideway mailed to graduates, volunteers, and supporters
  • A press release announcing gift
  • Social Media Post for America’s VetDogs or Guide Dog Foundation
  • Recognition in the America’s VetDogs or Guide Dog Foundation e-newsletter
  • Recognition on our Virtual Donor Wall
  • Recognition in the America’s VetDogs or Guide Dog Foundation annual report as a major donor
  • Signage during each class for one year
  • Acknowledgement in our "Celebration Saturday" graduation programs for 1 year